Our Story
How it Started.
PUMA is a web-based utility accounting software and a service developed to meet the needs of our customers. After completing hundreds of energy audits and assessments over the course of Prism’s 30-year history, it became clear that the most common reason organizations consumed more energy than necessary was due to the lack of resources required to maintain an effective utility accounting system.
PUMA was developed to be a cost-effective, easy-to-use software system that delivers clear, customized reports and is supported by the services of Prism Engineering's energy expertise. PUMA is an on-demand, hosted web-based application, that requires no software installation or programming - an internet connection is all you need. PUMA helps interpret utility data, adjusts for weather in your location and can identify problems sooner so that corrective action can be taken.
Built on Trust
With over three decades of experience in the energy management industry, Prism has developed dozens of Strategic Energy Management Plans (SEMP) and facilitated the design, specification and implementation of scores of building retrofits. The expertise gathered from these experiences are incorporated into PUMA’s core features and functionality to ensure the needs of its users are met when it comes to data security, system reliability and efficiency, and ease-of use.
Today, PUMA is being used by facility managers, energy managers, consultants, performance contractors and energy engineers at universities, colleges, school districts, credit unions, corporations, and provincial and federal government agencies. Read more about the benefits of PUMA.
“An energy management program must be an ongoing process in order to optimize the benefits. Information from PUMA is an excellent tool which allows clients to provide timely feedback to the energy management team and the facility users, increasing their interest in the program and focusing their efforts.”
Brian O’Donnell, Prism Engineering