PUMA dashboard updates

Significant updates to PUMA’s Dashboard were made last month to improve the ability for users to customize.

Users can now fully customize up to 6 tiles. Any custom report that a user can create in PUMA can be designated as a tile on the dashboard. This includes any Advanced Report and virtually any of the standard reports available in PUMA. Users can now easily create a dashboard that displays the key monthly and even daily data they need to drive their tactical actions and strategic plans. Tiles can show reports from multiple PUMA projects so that submeters, billing meters, and virtual meters can be fused in a single pane view to synthesize complex data more easily. The original dashboard tiles continue to be supported as optional tiles on the new dashboard.

Users can choose from 3 different tile layouts. Furthermore, clicking on any of the custom tiles will take the user to the full report screen that includes the chart along with any of the tables that are part of the report, facilitating drilldowns for further analysis.

Along with the upgraded dashboard, we’ve refreshed the charts to give a cleaner look. Chart backgrounds are now white. Chart grid lines and markers can now be turned on or off as desired for individual charts and for the account.

The old dashboard consisted of these 3 tiles: 

New Dashboard:


Usability and performance


New year, new features and improvements